Text: Kristýna Dlasková Design: Ondřej Ševčík Kód: Jaroslav Petrnoušek
Zdroje informací:
[1] Persons performing physical activity when working by type of activity, most frequent activity status, quantile and degree of urbanization, Eurostat, 2017
[2] Association Between Excess Leisure Sedentary Time and Risk of Stroke in Young Individuals, Stroke, 2021
[3] Nielsen Admosphere, 2021
[4] Doporučení Světové zdravotnické organizace pro dospělé lidi v produktivním věku
[5] Muscle-strengthening activities are associated with lower risk and mortality in major non-communicable diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2022
[6] View through a window may influence recovery from surgery, R. S. Ulrich, Science, 1984
Zdroje informacií:
[1] Personsperformingphysicalactivitywhenworking by type of activity, most frequentactivity status, quantile and degree of urbanization, Eurostat, 2017
[2] Association BetweenExcessLeisureSedentary Time and Risk of Stroke in YoungIndividuals, Stroke, 2021
[3] Practising sport, fitness or recreational (leisure) physical activities at least once a week, Eurostat, 2014
[4] Odporúčanie Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie pre dospelých ľudí v produktívnom veku
[5] Muscle-strengthening activities are associated with lower risk and mortality in major non-communicable diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2022
[6] View through a windowmay influence recoveryfromsurgery, R. S. Ulrich, Science, 1984
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